Mombubot Score: 9
This page ranks very well with a mombubot score of 9. You would expect this of a site which has a focus on web design and standards. With a few minor alterations this page should make it into the top 10 of this very competitive space which returns over a billion results.
I would first suggest the keyword "design" be moved to a more predominant position within the title tag. I have written about this before, however, it is worth repeating. The title tag is a very important element for search engine best practices and should command special attention. Do your best to have your keywords right out front as the first word within the title bar.
Another thing which many pages present are acronyms such as "OSWD" on this site. I would suggest all acronyms be expanded as in this case to "Open Source Web Designs" which would be a little more SEO friendly.
Spend a little extra time on the TITLE tag with a focus on your targeted keywords!
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