Thursday, July 9, 2009

Keyword: email marketing


Mombubot Score: 8

This page does a lot of things right beyond the mombubot score of 8! One of the great design features they have included is a javascript run header. This header provides flash type animations but also allows search engine bots to easily read the content because it is based on CSS and regular HTML markup. Yes, some bots can read the contents of flash files but this has the added benefit of providing further importance based on HTML markup such as H1 tags.

If you look closely at the "Email Marketing. Solved." title you will see some great design features such as shadows and reflection used to create an appealing title. Usually this is done using one solid graphic including the text but not in this case. This is just plan old HTML markup and text combined with CSS. Much better for SEO. Well done, you don't often see this.

The css layout is also followed through for the whole page. Again, this makes reading the pages eaiser for the bots. Perhaps some inclusion of keywords within the image tags would have assisted in putting this into the top 10.

This is a great example of where good design and good SEO work together.

1 comment:

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